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UK PSR Regulation

Navigating the PSR Liability Shift: Ensuring Security for UK’s Smaller Financial Institutions and Fintechs

August 6, 2024

In today’s complex financial landscape, smaller banks and fintech in the UK are prime targets for fraudsters.  

These institutions are integral to the financial ecosystem, offering essential and varied services in a highly competitive industry. However, they often lack the resources of larger banks to combat evolving threats.  

The upcoming Payment Services Regulation (PSR) change, set to come into effect in October 2024, will significantly impact how liability for unauthorized transactions is managed, particularly for Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud. This liability shift represents a regulatory change where financial institutions will bear increased responsibility for fraud losses. Historically, customers bore the brunt of financial losses from scams and frauds, but with the new PSR regulations, this responsibility transfers to the financial institutions. 

This change aims to provide better consumer protection and ensure that banks and FIs invest more in advanced fraud prevention and detection technologies to safeguard their customers. The shift underscores the need for these institutions to bolster their fraud prevention measures.  

For banks and fintechs, the shift does come with significant risk as digital fraud levels continue to rise beyond the reported numbers. According to research from The National Trading Standards (NST), only 32% of fraud is reported to the authorities. With total fraud losses in the UK toppling £2 billion in 2023, banks will feel the impact of this shift most significantly. 

The Reckoning of PSR Regulation 

Smaller financial institutions (FIs) play a pivotal role within the financial sector, providing personalized services that often spur innovation and bolster local economies. Their agility enables rapid adaptation to customer needs, yet this focus on growth can sometimes result in less emphasis on security measures. Consequently, these FIs become more vulnerable to sophisticated cyber threats. 

The upcoming PSR regulation introduces a substantial shift in responsibility, moving the onus of fraud losses from customers to the financial institutions themselves. While this shift is fundamentally aimed at enhancing consumer protection and supporting victims of scams, it imposes a significant challenge for smaller FIs. These institutions often do not possess the same level of sophisticated fraud detection and prevention systems as their larger counterparts, making the regulatory change a substantial burden.  

The new requirements compel these smaller entities to significantly upgrade their security frameworks, a critical step not only to comply with the new laws but also to protect their reputations and prevent severe financial ramifications. 

ThreatMark’s Comprehensive Approach 

ThreatMark specializes in delivering advanced fraud prevention solutions tailored to the specific needs of smaller FIs. Our cutting-edge technologies, including behavioral biometrics, real-time threat detection, and AI-driven analysis, empower these institutions to detect and mitigate fraud proactively.  

By leveraging ThreatMark’s solutions and implementing ‘Collaborative Intelligence’ models, smaller FIs can fortify their defenses, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements while safeguarding their assets and customer trust. 

ThreatMark’s approach to fraud prevention detection is centered s around preventing fraud at every stage of the digital banking journey, ddelivering tailored, cutting-edge solutions specifically designed for the unique challenges faced by financial institutions. Our suite of advanced technologies integrates behavioral biometrics, which analyze patterns in user behavior to detect anomalies, with real-time threat detection systems that actively monitor transactions for signs of fraud. Our AI-driven analysis leverages machine learning algorithms to predict and prevent fraudulent activities before they occur, providing a proactive security posture.  

By implementing ThreatMark, banks can facilitate a synergistic environment where data and insights are shared across platforms, enhancing the overall security fabrictech-stack. This comprehensive strategy not only ensures compliance with stringent regulatory requirements but also protects the assets and trust of customers, fortifying the defenses of smaller FIs against the increasingly sophisticated landscape of digital fraud. 

learn more about our anti-fraud solution  


A Call to Action

To support smaller FIs in navigating the new liability landscape, ThreatMark has published an insightful whitepaper, “Exploring the Liability Shift.” This resource provides an in-depth analysis of the regulatory changes, potential impacts, and strategies for effective fraud prevention.  

Discover how ThreatMark can help your institution stay ahead of fraud by downloading the Liability Shift Whitepaper.

download the whitepaper HERE